An Adventure in History, July 17,2022 about the Digital Scanning Center

An Adventure in History, July 17 2022

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This is KMUN’s "An Adventure in History” radio show for July 17, 2022 that Mac Burns, CCHS Director, Chelsea Vaughn, Curator and Julie Burpie Digital Archivist did about the Paul See Digital Archive Initiative and how their digital scanning archive now includes almost 2,100 items and over twenty-six Unique Collections. I think it does a great job describing what this Scanning Center can do to digitally archive documents and pictures from all the local Museums, Libraries and other old time Clatsop entities. It also will provide the ability to digitize many of our pioneer families history, so they will have it for generations in the future. Our first project, is digitizing all of Paul See’s family history. Paul's grandfather was Josiah West, who by the late 19th century owned almost 20% of the Clatsop Plains and one of its leading citizens. He produced 9 children and as he neared retirement gave much of his land to his children. Most of Surf Pines and Delmore loop was once owned by his family. Paul had collected a ton of local history before he passed. His daughter Dana Westin, and her cousins Diana Westin and Roy Earl had several collections of their old records. We have already begun to add to their CCHS sub collection called the Paul See/Josiah West historical collection. (Click Here to view what has been digitized so far). Most of this information was not in the CCHS archives yet, so this opens a picture of one our leading pioneer families for their family and opens new historical research possibilities.