Book by Paul See "Reflections of an Ornery Country Kid"

Cover for Reflections of an Ornery Country Kid by Paul See

This is a book of a collection of articles that Paul See, a former professor and administrator for Clatsop Community College and resident historian of the Clatsop Plains, that he produced for the Seaside Signal on his impressions of growing up during the depression years near Seaside on the Oregon Coast along West Lake interspersed with photos and cartoons.

This book was donated to the Surf Pines Association for their history page of their web and the Internet Archive library for the Clatsop County Historical Society as a digital edition. We would like to thank Paul’s wife Shirley, his daughter Dana Weston and her husband Craig who live nearby, and his grandson Tyler who have donated this book which epitomizes the Clatsop Plains shortly before Surf Pines was developed.

The good news is that they just donated almost 70 copies of this book to the Clatsop County Historical Society (CCHS), who has been out of the book for a few years. If you are one of those that like the paper copy hurry to the Heritage Museum and get your copy for only $15. All proceeds go to CCHS.